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Rum Shops


The local watering hole of Barbadians is the rum shop, and it is said that there is a rum shop for every church (and Barbados has a lot of churches). Rum shops are found in nearly every village, and besides drinks you can normally get something to eat, and some also sell basic food items. Often the conversations are loud and boisterous, as locals from all walks of life discuss the issues of the day, like politics and sports. Dominoes are often played as well, and are slammed with passion onto the table. Rum and beer are the preferred drinks, and you buy rum by the bottle, and all sizes are available. You then buy your mixer (your soft drink of choice), get your glass or glasses, and a bowl of ice, and then you can “fire” a drink like a Bajan. Some popular rum shops are

  1. Chicken Rita - known for fried chicken
  2. Lexies
  3. John Moore’s
  4. London Bar
  5. Braddies Bar
  6. The Watering Hole
  7. Nigel Benn Auntie Bar
  8. Sea Side Bar
  9. Lemon Arbor - known for pork prepared in various ways
  10. Kermitt's Bar
  11. Bay Lounge
  12. Scotland View


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